Why Work Abroad? 9 Reasons

Work Abroad Who knows what crazy shenanigans you’ll get into during your after-hours! If you’ve got the travel bug, you can probably think of a million and one reasons to explore the world. But the number one thing that usually stops people from traveling is a lack of money.

That’s why working abroad is such a great way to explore other countries and cultures. You get paid to travel, whilst building your career and enjoying an adventure of a lifetime. However, if you’re wondering whether working abroad might be the right move for you, there’s much more to consider than earning a living whilst traveling. We’ve put together this guide of nine reasons to work abroad:

Why working abroad is good—for your wallet, the world, and your career

As you figure out whether working abroad is the right path for you or not, we encourage you to read over these reasons to work abroad and decipher if they align with your goals.

1. Get paid to travel. We repeat: Get paid to travel.

Let’s face it, traveling is expensive. Even if you’re sticking to a strict budget, long-term travel costs a lot of money. If you’ve got running costs, like student loan repayments, it can be difficult to go abroad for an extended time without breaking the bank or getting into more debt. That’s why working abroad is the perfect opportunity to travel while getting paid. You get to explore a new country while earning a decent income and without sacrificing your career.

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2. Learn new skills.

No matter what country you move to, working abroad will undoubtedly lead you to learn new skills. Not only will you get new skills at your new job abroad, but you’ll also learn new soft skills, from communication skills to networking. After all, navigating a new city without speaking the language makes you resourceful, and working in an international team will help to improve your communication skills.

3. Personal development.

Moving to a new country to start a new job will undoubtedly push you out of your comfort zone. Nothing helps you grow as a person like interrupting your safe and comfortable routine. Whether you’re a serial traveller or this is your first trip abroad, you’ll gain new perspectives and learn things about yourself and your home country that you never knew before. This new perspective will help you develop personally just as much as you grow professionally.

4. Master a second language.

Chances are that you’ll be moving to a country where you don’t speak the language. Consider this a bonus for when you work overseas, as it gives you the unique opportunity to learn a language abroad and practice your new skills with locals. Speaking the language will not only help you better integrate into your new role, but also help you stand out from the crowd in the future.

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5. Expand your network.

Working abroad is a great way to expand your personal and professional network. While it’s already possible to network with people all around the world via online platforms, such as LinkedIn, it’s a completely different experience to meeting people in real life. While you work abroad, you’ll be collaborating with locals and expats from other countries—this can expose you to new job opportunities (or opportunities in general!). Additionally, you’ll be forming friendships with people from different backgrounds, some of which will last a lifetime.

Why work overseas? Advantages include a global circle of people who have your back and can help you get the leg up in future job hunts (we think that’s a pretty cool one!).

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6. Boost your resume

Having an international assignment on your resume could boost your future employability. Talent mobility is a big topic in recruiting, and an increasing number of future jobs will require international travel. Your stint working abroad will prove that you’re flexible and independent, and help your resume stand out from the crowd. Also, any additional skills you gain while abroad, like language skills, will further boost your resume

7. Immerse yourself into life abroad.

There’s only so much you can learn about a culture on a short vacation. Working abroad will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of a country, its people, and its culture. You won’t just be a visitor anymore, but a temporary member of that community. This insider view will give you a different perspective on all aspects of life, including family life and politics. You’ll have the chance to really immerse yourself and learn about unique quirks and traditions from your local friends, which you’d never be exposed to on a vacation.

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8. Find your dream career.

Often, the desire to travel comes from a drive to learn more about ourselves. Many people choose to work abroad not only to travel, but also to try out different jobs and new roles. In particular, working holiday visas are a great opportunity to dip your feet into a few new industries. It is very likely that by working abroad you will find new interests and passions, which might lead you on a path to a new career that you wouldn’t have discovered otherwise.

9. Earn good money

That’s right, jobs abroad often pay just as well if not better than jobs at home. Depending on the country you select, it’s very possible to earn a decent living abroad. Also, with living costs being much lower in many other countries, you might even find you’re able to save more than you would at home. This will allow you to travel even more during holidays and possibly between work opportunities

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